What is iCoder?
- iCoder enables you to link to and enrich your 1st party customer data to Experian’s UK ConsumerView database.
- ConsumerView has more than 49 million contacts providing a single, definitive and consistent view of the UK adult population and helps you to target, segment and enrich your view of UK consumers aligned to your customer data.
ConsumerView data attributes provide for a comprehensive and in-depth insight to customers demographic, segmentation, lifestyle and behavioural attitudes.
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- Your data license agreement with Experian will determine the depth and breadth of ConsumerView available to you for record enrichment.
- iCoder utilises Experian’s QAS address batch data hygiene engine to prime your customer data in readiness for appending data link keys.
- A comprehensive set of data link keys are appended to your data to enable maximum data match rates to occur, these include; postcode, household, family, address, gender, surname, address, individual person, e-mail and mobile tel nos.
iCoder feature and function highlights
- iCoder is an Experian software as a service solution accessed through an Internet browser.
- Can be used on demand, and without the need for any local software installation.
- Has an intuitive, step by step workflow, leading you through each stage of the enrichment and customer profile report process.
- Job execution can be left to complete while you finish off other tasks.
- An e-mail will be sent to your inbox confirming job is complete and available for download.
- Audit information is available in the e-mail containing; volume counts of records uploaded, records matched and the breakdown of matches attributed to an individual, household or postcode.
- The profile report presents a series of key facts and figures about your customer base.
- Univariate data analysis, delivers a series of counts, percentage distributions and index benchmarks to help you understand the key demographic, segmentation, lifestyle and behavioural attitude characteristics of your customers.